Thursday, June 25, 2009

eating+studying+presentation+bad day

gosh!!!ive done sumthng bad today.not gonna tell anyone,hanya Allah je yg tau..huhu..ari ni have
eve class and since my class start at 2 pm,get the chance to wake up woke up about 9.30 am and bkn nk ciap2 nk mandi,but had my breakfast first.cant start my day without breakfast anyway..its good rite??had some milo and kellogs(konon2 nk diet lor)hehe..after that starting to worried about my maths presentation tomorrow..gosh!!ive alwals got the tricky quest to sket and try to figure out the question and ask some people..and finally,ive got the solution and really hope that it is correct coz dont want to waste time during presentation(plan to go home after 12 pm,went to cafe to had my lunch,theres no nasi and i just ate fried noodles and ayam goreng best..hehe..after that went to my frens room to get my tutor back..huhu..pstu turun blk coz ingt want to have ice cream but jmpe puding roti..then,just go for it la..hehe..missed aikha cafe 2 pm,pi lib jap to send book and went to class..had normal sleepy class and guess wut,had to present my phy ans in front of class..dh le killer quest.naseb baek btoi..huhu..once again,after class go to cafe seeking some food!!haha..plan to buy yong tau foo(eat it everyday during pass few days,really love it..)bt suddenly,i found my gle2 pnye mnat food..sardin!!pe lg,just get the sardin with some rice and pay for that..ok la price die..jmat wut..go and get my ready to serve ytf and just imagine,i bring 2 polistrine!!ade gak la org x mkn stahun je..hehe..nk wut cmne,both are my fav..naik blek,smayang,mkn sardin and ytf sparuh and pi bsh kaen..x byk sgt la.while waiting 4 my rumet,dk la kt meja,watching some guys maen bola,with no sparuh gi ytf and tpkir plak want to call my je ayid pick the phone and cam biase ar,trus sruh pass kt abah..abah ckp hes at my grandpa's house..said that my grandpa had chikugunya!!!kinda shock and srh la pass kt gp.ckp2 sket,tanye kbr and give some tips to my gp.sedey la dgr suare x bmaye die...huhu..hope that he will not suffer from the disease for too long since ive heard that the disease kinda hurt..huhu..insyaallah

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