now,im at my aunt house at gombak.have some stuff to be settle down an alhamdulillah its now settled.still not open and read any words from my com notes since dont have the mood nways..huhu..kinda sad and depressed while thinking that ill have 3 quiz next week that is com 2 thats more on application prog,phy 2 that is bout shm untill chap 3 and math 4 that is all about integration and swaktu dgnnye..huhu..dont know how get my sem3 mood so furious in that sem n think that its due to some reason..ive spend a lot of money today.b4 dtg cni,just lepak kt kl sentral coz dont to involve in mess world at midvalley..hehe..try la survey some shoes coz my formal shoes dah blubang and that makes me cant go to toilet time class,coz nnti bsh lor..ewwwww..the other shoes plak high cut(ssh nk pkai buang) and other yg black in color tu plak tapak die licin(bleh wat shuffle tau)..aiyo..mmg nazak sgt kut my condition..smbg blk.the shoes at kl central quite good la if nk pkai tu.found some funky and nerd pattern that not so bad la.but,as usual,theres no size for me!!!!wa!!!!kinda mad..slalu je cmtu..kaki dh le kaki giant,size 9 or 10 je.smaller than that,bleh blah..wa!!tension2.really miss my lost pinky shoes.hope sape yg curik tu,give it back to me..plz..whos hearing now nways..huhu..pstu ble dh frust tu,pi la lyn feeling ngan wndow shopp kt kdai laen..zup!!!i saw an awesome cardigan!!seriously,its black,stripes(as usual)an its a little bit jrg but ive found a solution 4 its 'jrg' lgi,without thinking bout size whether it fit me or not,and with the frust heart(cheh..), just grab the cardigan..haha..after pay it,feel so half relief la..hehe..jln2 lg then found m&m and just grab the choc and pay for cute orange m&m bag and join the lucky draw to get the m&m pe entah..hehe.just try my luck yg never ever dpt lucky draw..hehe..and now im planning when im going to get back to uni tomorrow..and i think eve is better or tgk la wat time ill wake up tomorrow..hehe..feel kinda sleepy now but want to watch nur kasih for maybe couple of hours..hehe..hope so..jgn x tdo faint tomorrow..quiz!!!!!~~~~~
Friday, June 26, 2009
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